Play That Funky Music Bass Tone!!!

It feels amazing to have finished this video.

I have received many comments on the cover version of this from YouTube asking about the tone. To finish a seventeen minute video about it is an achievement that I'm proud of.

It starts with choosing the track, the bass, how much I will play to the original recording, how I'm going to record it, and finally how I'm going to produce the tone video. 

I like to include blogs with all my releases as there’s things I read over years later that I’d probably forget otherwise. 

A lot of work went into the cover. The same amount of work went into the tone. For me it's a never ending quest of how I can be innovative, and (hopefully) sound good at the same time. 

Using my 2001 MusicMan sterling was a great choice. It has been restored by my great friend and Sydney based luthier Richard Greenup.

You can also view the custom bass I designed with him here -

We spend countless hours geeking out on tone woods and electronics to further our understanding of the reproduction of sound. Without a doubt Richard is one of the best craftsman I know. Please check out his work.

For the recording I’ve ran direct into my Avalon U5 DI, then straight into my SansAmp Tech 21 BDDI. I used Steven Slate Digital Mic on the re-amp of my MarkBass Cab and Amp just for some new flavour. The final piece of the puzzle was the re-amp through my Mesa Boogie Subway DI. Love it.

Dylan Mitrovich was great to work with on this track, he can always accommodate my questions and ideas. Through this process I learn a lot.

I hope you enjoy it and can take something from this.

Click here to view the video.


Kade Turner